Deviled egg salad is an easy way to reinvent the classic appetizer. It's transportable, shareable, and made for potlucks. Don't forget the sprinkle of...
It's a salad that tastes like deviled eggs. My family loves it. This is a recipe for a large family, as I have 5 kids. Another experiment that really turned...
It's a salad that tastes like deviled eggs. My family loves it. This is a recipe for a large family, as I have 5 kids. Another experiment that really turned...
It's a salad that tastes like deviled eggs. My family loves it. This is a recipe for a large family, as I have 5 kids. Another experiment that really turned...
More than just a substitute for egg salad! The only egg is in the mayonnaise; use soy mayonnaise for a vegan variation. Serve on wheat toast with crisp...
More than just a substitute for egg salad! The only egg is in the mayonnaise; use soy mayonnaise for a vegan variation. Serve on wheat toast with crisp...
More than just a substitute for egg salad! The only egg is in the mayonnaise; use soy mayonnaise for a vegan variation. Serve on wheat toast with crisp...
Southern egg salad, primarily used for sandwiches. Serve on fresh bread of your choice. My wife likes to make double-decker sandwiches (utilizing whole...
A spicy take on a stand-alone egg salad. Makes a great breakfast without all the heaviness and calories! I sometimes have it as a side instead of chips...
Low-cholesterol version of a family favorite. Everyone will love it. It took me a long time to perfect this recipe for egg salad lovers who need to watch...
This is a fresh variation on an old classic. Egg salad is spiced up with fresh cilantro and mushrooms as well as the usual ingredients. Great for a spring...
A friend brought this to a party and everyone loved it. She shared the recipe with me, and I was unable to find one just like it online, so thought I would...
Egg salad kicked up with Dijon mustard, crumbled bacon and horseradish. I use light mayo and sour cream to keep it healthy. Serve on lightly toasted wheat...
This is a fresh variation on an old classic. Egg salad is spiced up with fresh cilantro and mushrooms as well as the usual ingredients. Great for a spring...
More than just a substitute for egg salad! The only egg is in the mayonnaise; use soy mayonnaise for a vegan variation. Serve on wheat toast with crisp...
More than just a substitute for egg salad! The only egg is in the mayonnaise; use soy mayonnaise for a vegan variation. Serve on wheat toast with crisp...
A new twist on regular egg salad! This is so good and I am always asked for the recipe. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Serve on lettuce leaves or...
More than just a substitute for egg salad! The only egg is in the mayonnaise; use soy mayonnaise for a vegan variation. Serve on wheat toast with crisp...
A great sandwich to make when you have a garden of fresh basil and tomatoes. It is very easy to make and very yummy. I would recommend this as an open-faced...
This creamy-style egg salad is quite common in Poland. It has a similar consistency than egg salad with mayo but it is made with cream cheese. Lovely in...
More than just a substitute for egg salad! The only egg is in the mayonnaise; use soy mayonnaise for a vegan variation. Serve on wheat toast with crisp...
More than just a substitute for egg salad! The only egg is in the mayonnaise; use soy mayonnaise for a vegan variation. Serve on wheat toast with crisp...
Twist up the traditional egg salad with a bit of bacon and cheese, and a hint of Cajun seasoning. I find bacon adds enough of a salty flavor, so I don't...
The tang from the Dijon, freshness from the lemon, and liveliness when paired with watercress makes this recipe a MUST! This recipe tastes best when paired...
The tang from the Dijon, freshness from the lemon, and liveliness when paired with watercress makes this recipe a MUST! This recipe tastes best when paired...
The tang from the Dijon, freshness from the lemon, and liveliness when paired with watercress makes this recipe a MUST! This recipe tastes best when paired...